Monday, 8 February 2016

Teaching 1 Thessalonians 2:17-3:5


Aim: That they see how much Paul loved the church
Theme: That they love to see each other keeping going too.

  • Simple board game to get Paul/Timothy to Thessalonica by answering simple questions.
  • Get the children to colour some of the characters you will use for the story

[You will need a crowd of Thessalonians, a Paul, a Timothy and a Satan possibly on Lego wheels]
[Two faces - one happy, one sad] When do you feel happy? When do you feel sad? Do you feel sad when you miss someone? Maybe when mummy or daddy goes away?

Paul was feeling sad because he missed the people in Thessalonica. He longed to see them again and was very sad that he couldn't. Do you remember why he left? [Put Paul with the crowd] The leaders in the town chased him away because they didn't want to hear about Jesus. [move Paul away] Here is how Paul felt: read 2v17. He was so sad that he had to be parted from them.

He tried to return to be with them, to help them keep following Jesus, because he loved them. But he says he couldn't. [read v18]. [move Paul towards the crowd but have Satan move in front of him]. Someone kept blocking his way. Paul called him Satan, and Satan is God's enemy, the one who stops people loving and trusting God. He was there in the garden with Adam and Eve and tricked them and now he was stopping Paul seeing the Thessalonians. Paul tried again and again to get to see them but Satan kept stopping him.

So here's what Paul did: read 3v1-2. Paul sent Timothy instead [move 'Timothy' to the crowd]. Paul wanted them to keep following Jesus even though it was really hard for them. People were attacking them and laughing at them and doing horrible things to stop them loving Jesus, so Timothy went to tell them to keep going, keep loving Jesus.

Paul loved the other followers of Jesus in Thessalonica and wanted them to keep going, to keep following Jesus. We should love each other too; we should be helping each other to follow Jesus.

We can do that by


Stick a heart on the old letter

  • Stick red paper on cut out hearts
  • Pray cards - get the children to colour a card which says 'Dear ____, we prayed that you would keep following Jesus.'

  • He overflows with Love (from J is for Jesus)
  • Jesus loves the little children


Theme: Paul loved the church and loved to see them keep following Jesus
Aim: That they love the church and encourage each other

  • Encouraging one another - get them to write encouragements on post-it notes and stick on each other
  • Get to Thessalonica - they have to go from Corinth to Thessalonica. Leaders try to stop them by tagging them.

[You will need: one child to be Paul, one Timothy, a crowd of Thessalonians and a leader to be Satan]
Have you ever really missed someone? Maybe Daddy or Mummy have gone away on business? [spend some time chatting, but be careful as this could raise some big issues]

Paul really missed the Thessalonians. Do you remember what happened? [Recap Acts 17 and remind that he was sure they were genuine Christians from 1 Thess 1-2]

Paul carries on writing his letter. [Get Paul to read 2v17-20]. Paul is desperate to see them. [Act out Paul trying to get to Thess but Satan stopping him]. He really loved the church in Thessalonica and was desperate to get back and encourage them and make sure they were still going following Jesus. But God allowed His enemy, Satan, to stop Paul. We don't know why or how, but somehow Paul couldn't see them again, even though he really wanted to.

Did you hear how Paul describes them? Our hope [attach 'hope' to the crowd], joy [attach 'joy' to the crowd], our crown [put a crown on the crowd]. When Jesus returns Paul will be so excited that they are standing with him, loving Jesus.

Paul is so desperate to find out how they are going on that he sends Timothy to find out. Paul reads 3v1-2. [Timothy goes to the Thessalonians and asks them how they are going]. We will find out next week what report Timothy brings back to Paul, but Paul tells us why he is worried: Paul reads 3v3-5. They were being badly treated for following Jesus just as Paul was and he's worried that they will have given up. [Act out - one or two children say 'this is too tough, I'm stopping following Jesus.']

Paul loved them too much to see this happen. He wanted to encourage them, to give them a spiritual kick in the bottom to say, 'Keep going! Its worth it.'

Do you love the church as much as Paul did? Remember its not the building, its the people. Do you love the older folk and care for them? How can we encourage them?
Do you want people to keep loving and trusting Jesus? How can we keep them going?

[Could have time here for testimonies from leaders who have been encouraged by the care of others to keep going.]


Table time: [younger ones - have a board game where they have to get Timothy to Thessalonica by answering the questions]
  • Why did Paul not go back to Thessalonica? (2v17-18)
  • Who did Paul send instead? (3v1-2)
  • What was Paul worried about? (3v3-4)
  • What did Paul want to know about the Thessalonians?
  • Why did this matter to Paul?
  • What encourages you to keep following Jesus?
  • How can you encourage others to follow Jesus?
  • How can you love other followers of Jesus more?
[If the first game wasn't played, it could be played at this point]

Stick a heart on the old style letter

Pray for the persecuted church

Memory verse

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