Monday, 8 February 2016

Teaching 1 Thessalonians 2:1-16


Theme: Paul was real and not pretend so keep following Jesus
Aim: That they listen to Paul and God's Word and so keep following Jesus

Have some dressing up outfits eg superheroes, police, princess, etc. Dress the children up in these outfits. Ask them - 'Are you really a policeman? But you're dressed as a policeman?'

Have a picture of Paul. This is Paul, who told the Thessalonians about Jesus. But was he really God's special messenger, or was he just pretending?

Recap - only in Thess for 3 weeks then was attacked and had to leave. People were wondering, 'Was he only pretending about Jesus? Was he really God's special messenger?'

Paul says he is definitely a real messenger from God and so he shows them that he is not pretend.

Firstly, he says that God is the most important person to Paul. Paul has only been trying to make God happy. (Could read 2:4)
So, when people laughed at Paul, he kept telling them about Jesus.
[Act out with other leader. Other leader laughs at teacher and leader one pretends to stop talking.] Paul didn't do that; he kept telling them because he was a real messenger. (Could read 2:1-2).
Paul didn't lie or trick them. He told them the truth. [Act out with leader. 'If I follow Jesus will I have loads of toys.' 'Oh, yes, of course!]. Paul didn't do that, because he was a real messenger from God. (Could read 2:3)
Paul didn't try to get all their money or toys. [Act out with leader. 'Now that you're a follower of Jesus, you've got to give me all your favourite toys!' Leader hands over toys looking sad.] No, Paul didn't do that, because he was a real messenger from God.

Then Paul says that he loved the Thessalonians. He wasn't really strict and harsh, like this: [Act out with other leader - be really strict, telling them what to do harshly and telling them off]. Instead Paul was gentle and kind. (Read 2:7-9). He was a good leader and definitely God's real messenger.

That means that we should listen to Paul's message and keep listening to Paul's message because it helps us keep following Jesus. Read 2:13. How good are you at listening? [Could play a listening game here - eg record some animal noises or people's voices for them to recognise.] We should keep listening to God's message from Paul as carefully as that.

Pray: Thank you, Lord Jesus, for your message through Paul. Help us to listen because he is your real messenger and not pretend. Amen

Stick pictures to old letter - ears

  • Ear craft - on pipe cleaners or hair bands
  • Picture of Paul - stick on white cloth as clothing

God gave me two eyes and God knows (from J is for Jesus)



Theme: Paul was God's real messenger, only seeking to please God and love them, so listen to Him
Aim: That they trust Paul's message from God and listen to Him

Play a game (eg Captain's Coming) - two leaders are running; one is strict and harsh and lies, the other is kind, gentle and honest.
Ask them after who they were more inclined to trust?

Recap  - Paul was in Thess for 3 weeks. Last week he wrote to tell them that they were real Christians, genuine. This week he wants them to know that he, Paul, is a real, genuine, messenger from God. What do you think people might have accused him of?

How do we know Paul is a real messenger from God? He gives us two reasons - firstly, he only wanted to please God; secondly, he loved the Thessalonians.

Paul only wanted to please God, to make God happy [have a male leader dressed up as Paul. Have a card with 'Please God' on one side and 'Please People' on the other.]
So let's have a think about how Paul might have behaved:
  • People were attacking Paul because he was talking about Jesus [have 'Paul' talk about Jesus, while the 'crowd' boo]. If Paul wanted to make people happy (and they weren't happy with him), what might he have done? [stopped talking about Jesus]. Did he? Read v1-2. [Attach 'suffered' to 'Paul'] This shows us Paul was a real messenger who only wanted to please God.
  • If Paul wanted he could have tricked the Thessalonians into trusting Jesus. [Have Paul say, 'If you follow Jesus you will have loads of sweets'] That would be 'Pleasing People'. Paul didn't do that. Read v3-4. He was a real messenger who only wanted to please God.
  • Paul could have said, 'Don't you look lovely, I love your new jumper, come and follow Jesus!' [Get Paul to say] But he didn't. Read v5. He was a real messenger who only wanted to please God.
This means we can trust Paul and his message about Jesus. But are your leaders like that? Are you like that? Is it more important to you that you make your friends happy than making God happy?

Secondly, Paul only loved the Thessalonians. [Have a card with 'Love' on]. He didn't demand things from them. [have Paul demand sweets from them]. Instead Paul was gentle among them. Read v7-8.

He didn't demand money from them. [Paul demands their pocket money]. Instead read v9. He worked hard among them. And he cared for them like a father. Read v10-12.

This means we can believe Paul's message and follow Jesus like him. Are your leaders like this? Are you like this?

How good are you at listening to Paul's message? Read v13. The Thessalonians were brilliant at listening to Paul's message about Jesus. [could play a listening game at this point by blindfolding one and seeing if they can guess who is speaking.]

Sum up - Paul is God's real messenger so we must listen to him! It will help us keep going following Jesus.

Table Time [younger ones could have a big picture of Paul and write on words they come up with. Also, stick on next picture to their letter: ears - we must listen to Paul.]
  • What was Paul like? What was Paul not like?
  • How did Paul behave? How did he not behave?
  • How does this help us to know Paul is God's real messenger?
  • What did the Thessalonians do because he was real?
  • Do you think Paul was God's real messenger? Why/Why not?
  • How good are you at listening to Paul?
  • How could you listen to him better?
  • Do you try to please God like Paul, or are you more worried about what others think of you?

Memory verse

Pray for persecuted church

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