Thursday, 5 October 2017

Teaching Nehemiah 3


·         Find some activity which they all need to be involved in eg have a large sheet and a balloon and they have to stop the balloon falling off, or something similar

[you will need lots of jenga blocks/matchboxes/books for the wall]

Recap and reminder – God’s people had been living in the land of Israel but had disobeyed God. So God sent the Babylonian army to punish them and they were led off to live in a distant land for 70 years. Now they are coming back, but the walls and gates around Jerusalem have been broken down and Nehemiah, the King’s cupbearer has come back to fix them.

[Have a puppet Nehemiah] Nehemiah has seen the walls of Jerusalem and fells sad. Can he fix them all by himself? No!

This is a big city with great big walls – Nehemiah can’t do it all. What do you think he could do? [take suggestions]

He got everyone involved from the priests to the goldsmiths to the perfumers to the shopkeepers [if possible give each child something representing a job they could do, eg for a baker give one a rolling pin].

Do you think you could have done some wall building as a baker/perfumer/etc? Of course you would have got stuck in! Boys and girls were involved. It wasn’t just for some, it was for everyone.

Only one group of people didn’t get involved – the leading men of Tekoa. They thought they were too important to get their hands dirty serving God! Of course, they were totally wrong.

Jesus wants to build his kingdom – but that’s not bricks and walls, its people: he wants people to hear about his wonderful forgiveness and to trust him more. We can all help with that. Some of us can chatter with our friends in class about how great Jesus is; some of us can help the older people in church by chatting to them; some of us can help build Jesus’ kingdom by writing a little card to people who are poorly in church.

What could you do? [take answers]

·         Writing cards to encourage people in church – elderly or poorly
·         Prayer bricks – get them to think of someone to pray for and stick their name onto a Jenga brick then add to the pile as they pray
·         Coloring page



·         Keep up the balloon – everyone needs to touch it
·         Large cloth with balloon – everyone has to hold onto it and stop the balloon coming off
Talk about was it easier or harder everyone working together?

Recap on Bible history and what has happened so far in the story

This week it looks like a really dull chapter – just a long list of who did what on the wall. But the important thing is that everyone got involved.

Even the baker [give one a baker’s outfit] – he got stuck into building around the dung gate!
The priest – he got stuck into building the sheep gate!

Boys and girls got stuck into building – Nehemiah divided up the area of the wall and gave everyone a part to fix. [put them in a circle and give them a section to ‘build’]

Only one group of people didn’t get involved: the leading men of Tekoa. They thought they were too important! Do you think they were? No, of course not.
What is Jesus building now? It’s not a wall. [take suggestions]

He’s building his church – and that’s something that we can all be involved in. What can we do to be involved in building up his people? [take suggestions]

[possible suggestions – chatting about Jesus, inviting, welcoming, looking after those who might be missing or sad, visiting, sending cards, getting cups of tea for the older folks, etc]

Which of these could you do? Don’t be like those who do nothing, we’re serving Jesus together.

Table Time:
·         What needed done in Jerusalem?
·         Who got involved?
·         Who didn’t get involved?
·         Why didn’t some people get involved?
·         Why do you think the others got stuck in?
·         What is Jesus building now?
·         What could you do to help build Jesus’ kingdom?
·         How are you going to do it?

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