Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Teaching 2 Timothy 3:1-9

Theme: Sometimes there are pretend Christians
Aim: Don’t be like them!

·         Real or pretend – have toy fruit and real fruit. They need to separate.
·         Let’s Pretend – they have to pretend to be eg an animal., and the others have to guess [possible spare for the end]

[have a large outline of a false teacher which you will add symbols to and a tick list]

Recap – can you remember who Paul was writing to? Last week we saw that Timothy was to keep loving Jesus and keep loving all the people in the church.
This week Paul tells Timothy that there are pretend Christians in the church. They say that they love Jesus but they don’t really. How would Timothy know who they were?

Paul gives Timothy a tick list so he could know. First of all he says, that they will love themselves [stick on a heart with a picture of the cut out in it]. That means instead of loving Jesus and what He wants, they would only do things that made them happy.

Secondly, they were lovers of money [stick on heart with picture of money]. They wanted more and more things, more and more sweets and toys, instead of loving Jesus. They will not love God.

And because they were not loving Jesus, it meant that they said horrible things [stick on a speech bubble]. They would say how brilliant they were and how horrible everyone else was. They were rude to their mummies and daddies. They wouldn’t forgive people when they said sorry. They were cruel and hated doing good things. They would do silly things without thinking about it.
You see lots of people would say they were friends of Jesus but actually they weren’t they were just pretend. If we love Jesus we will stop being like this. We will begin to change and be more like Jesus. And Jesus was never … [read through the list]

So shall we pray that we would be able to spot when people are being pretend friends of Jesus. And let’s pray that we wouldn’t be these things.

·         False teacher sticking – have a smaller outline and stick on symbols from the story. They could also do themselves and stick on opposite symbols (eg a heart with a J, a speech bubble with good things, etc)
·         Prayer badges – Help me not to be…

·         Fruit of the Spirit song – Colin Buchanan
·         Little by Little Jesus is Changing Me – Colin Buchanan


Theme: Paul warns of pretend Christians who say they love Jesus but live differently
Aim: Don’t worry about them but have nothing to do with them

·         Follow my leader – have two leaders up front. One gives angry directions and calls the other leader names. The other speaks gently and lovingly. Children need to decide who to follow.

Recap – last week Paul warned Timothy about these false teachers. This week he carries on telling him about people who say they are followers of Jesus, but just don’t live that way. They’re pretend Christians.
[have one ‘real Christian’ and one ‘pretend Christian’, put wigs and moustache, etc on both to show that they’re not actually ‘pretend Christians’]

Paul begins with a warning – read v1. The ‘last days’ are all the time until Jesus comes back. And there will always be ‘pretend Christians’, those who say they are Christians but don’t live like it. Paul is particularly talking about church leaders here as we’ll see.

This is what they will be like: read slowly v2-5 and stick each word and its opposite on both volunteers. Get the children to think what each means and looks like.

Paul then talks about two men – read v8. These were the magicians in Pharaoh’s court [picture]. They could do some of the miracles along with Moses. It looked like they also had God’s power…for a while. The same is true of these church leaders, people will follow them for a while but it will soon become clear that they are not God’s friends.

So, there will be church leaders who don’t live in a way the pleases Jesus and lead God’s people astray. Let’s pray for good leaders.

Let’s pray that we would be more like our ‘real Christian’ than our ‘pretend Christian’

Table time: [younger ones stick words from v2-5 on body outline]
·         What were the pretend Christians like?
·         What did the pretend Christians do?
·         Why was Timothy not to be surprised?
·         Why was Timothy not to worry?
·         Which of these words are true of you?

·         Where do we need to pray that we would change?

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