Thursday, 8 October 2015

Teaching Daniel 6


Theme: God is a rescuing God
Aim: They trust Him by putting Him first

  • Lion masks
  • Make happy/sad face sticks for the story
  • Safe animals - have pictures of all sorts of animals. Ask them which ones are 'safe' and which aren't. Put lions into the 'den' (see below)

Recap - long time ago, God's people were in a far off land living under a King who didn't love and trust God.

[have a box with door cut out and a hole in the top. Place some lion's inside and have 'stone' to roll across the entrance. Also have a cut out of Daniel and the King]

There was a new king called Darius. Daniel became very important in Darius' kingdom. In fact, he became one of the top three leaders in the country.

But the other leaders became jealous. They didn't like that King Darius thought Daniel was so brilliant so they made a horrible plan to get rid of Daniel.

Daniel didn't do anything wrong so they couldn't tell on him to the King. So they convinced the King to pass a new rule: everyone had to pray to the King, and only to the king. Anyone who didn't would be thrown into the lion's den. What do you think? Was that good? [get them to use sticks to answer] No, we should only pray to God and no-one else.

Daniel knew this. And as soon as he heard about this new law he went into his room, opened the window and prayed. All the people who were trying to get him into trouble were watching him. Ah-hah! They've got him now. Daniel's in big trouble. Is this good news for Daniel? [use sticks to answer]

And so they return to the king and tell him, 'Daniel's praying to his God, not to you!'

King Darius tried to get Daniel out of trouble, but there was nothing he could do. A rule is a rule after all. And so Daniel is thrown into the lion's den. 'May your God rescue you.' Darius shouts as he's thrown in. Huge ferocious lions. Daniel didn't stand a chance, did he?

First thing the next morning Darius rushes to the den. 'Has your God rescued you, Daniel?' [listen]

Then a voice answers!

'My God sent an angel and he shut the mouths of lions because I have done nothing wrong!'

The king was so glad and when Daniel came out there wasn't even a scratch on him.

Well, the King made sure that all of those who got Daniel into trouble were thrown into the lion's den instead. And Darius made a new rule - everyone must fear Daniel's God, because no-one is able to rescue like Him!

And do you know, our God is a rescuing God. Just as He rescued Daniel so He has rescued us through His Son Jesus. Jesus came to die on a cross and was put in a cave and a stone was rolled over the entrance so that we might be rescued. And the next day an angel was there to say, 'He's alive!'

Thank you God for rescuing Daniel.
Thank you God for rescuing us in Jesus.

  • Various lion crafts - masks, models: do a google image search for ideas


  • My God is so Big
  • Super Saviour
  • Jesus is the boss, I can talk to Jesus (from J is for Jesus)



Theme: Our God rescues
Aim: Honour Him and pray to Him and put Him first

Application quiz - have the lion's den in the corner. Would you be prepared to go into the lion's den if... eg your teacher says you have to draw God; your friend says you have to steal...
Show lion video

Recap - with pictures. Point out the pattern of chapters 6 (rescue, judgement, judgement, rescue)

[set up part of the room as the den - have a large 'stone' to roll and some lion masks]

Do you remember at the end of last week's story we had a new king, Darius the Mede? [have one dressed as Darius]

He was very fond of Daniel and made him the third highest ruler in his kingdom. But the other rulers didn't like this and plotted against Daniel. But Daniel had done nothing wrong and so they couldn't tell tales on him about anything. So they had to be a bit more devious. [have one dressed as Daniel]

They passed a rule with Darius: read v7-8.

What was wrong with that rule? What would you have done?

Here's what Daniel did: he went and prayed! Opened his window towards Jerusalem and three times a day got down on his knees. [Daniel kneels and prays]

But his enemies are watching and know they can tell tales. [silly voice] 'Daniel's been praying to his God!'

Oh-oh. Daniel's in real trouble now. Well Darius is worried and tries to do something but is totally powerless to change this new law.

What do you think Darius should have done?

So he throws Daniel into the lion's den shouting, v16.

[Put Daniel in the den with some children in lion's masks and put the 'stone' over the entrance]

Darius spends all night worrying, then at break of day runs to the den and calls out, 'Has your God delivered you.'

Amazingly Daniel answers - read v22.

So Daniel was taken out of the den and there wasn't a scratch on him. Instead the trouble makers were thrown in and that was the end of them!

Darius makes a new rule - read v26-27.

What do you think this tells us about God? What did He do? - rescue
What about Daniel? How is he an example for us? - prayed, put God first, trusted God

How does it point forward to Jesus? - point out Jesus' innocence, Pilate's uselessness, the stone rolled, the angel at the tomb, and Jesus' great rescue.

This is pointing forward to God's great rescue in Jesus. So like Daniel and Jesus, we should trust God the Father with our lives, putting Him first even if that means we get into trouble.


Table time [they get to stick a lion in the den for every good answer]

  • What was Daniel banned from doing?
  • What happened to Daniel because he broke this rule?
  • What happened to Daniel in the lion's den?

  • Why was Daniel prepared to disobey the King?
  • Why did God rescue Daniel?
  • What did Darius learn about God?
  • Would you be prepared to be thrown in a lion's den because you follow God?
  • How do you pray?

  • How is Jesus' rescue even better?

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