Teaching Zephaniah for 3-5s
Theme: God is angry with those who
say ‘No’ to Him, but will make a good world for those who trust Him.
Emotions – guess how I’m feeling either using facial expressions or emoticons
Zephaniah puppets from lollypop sticks, with faces and clothes
lollypop character to be Zephaniah, a family of figures and some statues, an
angry and sad emoticon and a happy emoticon]
Can we
remember last week’s messenger? Micah,
This week
we’re meeting another messenger. His name is Zephaniah. Let’s say hello to
was speaking in the days of a great king called Josiah. Josiah realised that
God’s people weren’t living God’s way.
brought a very important message to God’s people. The first thing he said was a
very sad message. Can we do a sad face?
Why was
it sad? Because God’s people were worshipping made-up gods! [Put out some
statues or pictures of statues and get the figures to bow down before them.]
How do
you think God felt about them worshipping made up gods instead of Him? Sad?
More than that He was really angry! ‘I made you and yet you’re saying this
statue made you!’ [show angry face]
God is
going to punish those who have said no to Him. And it will be horrible when He
does. And all those people will wish they had listened to Zephaniah and His
Zephaniah gives us a brilliant promise that God makes for those who trust Him.
God is going to make the world right and take away all sadness and pain. God
will take away all the things they have done wrong and will love them with such
a huge and amazing love. [show loving happy face]
The message Zephaniah brings is a warning not to worship made up gods, that’s
disastrous. But to trust God as He will make everything good again.
Songs: No
more tears
There’s a way back to God
people in a sad world, happy people in a happy world – stick idols and sad
people onto background, then on the reverse stick happy people worshipping God.
– Zephaniah saying the theme sentence
Zephaniah for 5-11s
Theme: God will bring judgement on
the whole earth but will delight and restore those who trust Him
Have a policeman’s helmet. Remind them of the prophets we’ve looked at and what
they did. Prophets were people who spoke God’s words. And their particular job
was to call people back to obeying God’s law, like Policemen. Get them to name
some of God’s laws. Then ask them what the most important law was. If they
don’t get it right remind them that it was to worship God alone, to love Him
only with all their hearts. What do they think might happen if the people don’t
do this? As a result could play a variation of Captain’s on board.
people should have been keeping God’s law.
Zephaniah’s day Josiah was king and they’d just rediscovered God’s law, so
Zephaniah was calling God’s people back to it.
someone dressed up as Zephaniah to read out v4-9 and get the kids to tell you
what God’s people were doing wrong.
some pictures up of false gods. Ask them what God was going to do because they
were worshipping these made up gods.
to how terrible this will be: read 1:14-18. That sounds really scary.
This is still to come and will be horrible for those who don’t trust and worship
the Lord God.
God makes a brilliant promise: read 3:9-13. He’s going to gather a people for
Himself from all the countries in the world. Ask: How has He done this already?
Zephaniah tells us about how God feels about His people: Read 3:14-17. How does
He feel about you?
the promise is even greater: He’s going to create a whole new world which will
be wonderful: Read 3:18-20.
Table time:
missions looking at the passages
a model of the perfect world God promises
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