Monday, 30 November 2015

Teaching Daniel 12


Theme: Keep trusting God
Aim: That they see the example of Daniel who kept trusting God even through difficult times.

Colouring/painting some pictures from the earlier stories - we'll use these to teach and remind them

[Much of this is a recap session - but using Daniel as an example of 12:13, 'But go your way till the end.']

Do you remember we have been looking at Daniel's dreams? Can you remember what we've seen? [recap from chapter 8 and remind them, particularly of the man in linen from chapter 10]

But what was Daniel to do? Well, there's one last bit of his dream: he sees two angels on either side of a river [set out blue paper and put an angel on either side]. And they asked the man in linen (Jesus), 'How long is it going to be?'

Daniel heard the answer but didn't understand. And nor do I! So he asked, 'What's going to happen?'

He was told that it would be hard trusting God, but to keep going.

That's just what Daniel had been doing. Do you remember the story of ... [use their paintings to illustrate Daniel and his friends trusting God even when it was hard and scary. Re-tell stories they have forgotten from a children's Bible, or just their favourites.]

We, too, should listen to Jesus as Daniel did and trust that God is in charge always. We should trust Him and put God first, too.

  • Stick pictures from all the earlier stories - see if they can tell you about them
  • Paint a river and stick on angels and the man in linen




Theme: Keep living trusting God because He is in control and we don't know when the end is.
Aim: That they see Daniel as an example of keeping trusting God

Action game - like Captain's coming but shouting out actions of 'Storm', 'Earthquake', etc. and give them actions of how to respond if they know that thing is coming. 'What should we do if we know that Jesus is coming back?'

Recap all of Daniel - particularly last week and the man in linen (Jesus)

[set out a river with blue cloth and have one dressed in linen. Set out the two angels either side and have the angel asking the question of v6]

That's a good question! When's it all going to happen, all this stuff we've heard about a terrible time and people rising from the dead to go to be with God forever? What do you think the answer will be? take suggestions

Here is the answer Jesus gives: have a child read 12v7b

Does that help you? Probably not. It didn't help Daniel. have a Daniel read v8

Again, its a fair question from Daniel. So what is Jesus going to say?

Man in linen reads v9-12. In other words, Jesus is just saying, 'Things will carry on as they are now. Some people will trust me, some people will be wicked. Normal life will carry on through all of this and so should you.'

Man in linen reads v13. Daniel is just to carry on trusting God and waiting. He is just to carry on his life as he has been.

[Bring back pictures of chapters 1-6] How did Daniel trust God through horrible times here? [Do for each story]

Daniel was just to keep faithfully serving God wherever he ended up.

And the same is true of us today. We have an amazing future ahead of us if we trust in Jesus. We have a God who is in charge of all things now. We've seen that each week. But that means we carry on trusting Jesus in the normal things we do.

So we go to school [hold up picture]. How should we behave? We should trust God [talk about what that might mean]

We go playing or swimming or scouts [hold up picture]. How should we behave? We should trust God [talk about what that might mean]

We're at home with our mums and dads [hold up picture]. How should we behave?  We should trust God [talk about what that might mean]



Table Time:
  • Who did Daniel see?
  • What was Daniel told?
  • How was Daniel to carry on living?
  • What has been your favourite story from Daniel?
  • How has it shown Daniel quietly trusting God?
  • What does this mean for you in school/home/play?

Pray for the suffering church
Memory verse

Friday, 20 November 2015

Teaching Daniel 11


Theme: God is in charge and gives life to those who trust Him
Aim: That they trust Him and delight in Him

Decorate crowns
Kings Keys (steal the keys from a blindfolded King)

Recap using pictures from Daniel 1-7
God had given Daniel great news; it was nearly time to go home! That must have been really exciting.

But then God tells Daniel what will happen in the future to God's people. [for this you'll need lots of crowns]

There will be a 4 kings who come [swap on crowns with 1-4 on]. The fourth will be called Alexander. He will be a mighty King and will do whatever he wants (v3). [get them to show muscles]

Then there would be a king of the north and a king of the south [put crowns on two of the children]. They will be friends for a while, but then they had a bit of a fight! [get them to show fists]

Then another man with a funny name will become king, Antiochus [put on another crown]. He will be cruel and hated (v25) and will attack lots of people, including God's people. [do a cruel face]

What a lot of kings Daniel hears about. But who is in charge of every King? God. Even this king [hold up a crown]? etc.

God is in charge of all these kings, good and bad. And there were a few bad kings who were to come. Maybe going back home wasn't going to be so great after all!

But God was promising something even better: read v1b-3.

God says, "I will give you life forever. One day I will make everything perfect and wonderful. But in the meantime, I'm in charge of all these Kings!"

  • Toilet roll kings
  • Colour in world - draw round hands and stick on

  • My God is so Big
  • No more tears (from A Very, Very Big God)
  • Our God is a Very, Very Big God (from a Very, very Big God)
  • He's got the whole world in His hands



Theme: Don't be disappointed - God is in charge and has an amazing future in store for those who trust Him
Aim: That they trust Him, look to Him and are satisfied in Him

Quiz on the term - promise a great prize for correct answers, which turns out to be a bit rubbish. Are they disappointed. Promise (and give!) a great reward at the end of the session.

Recap - pictures of Daniel 1-7, outline of the kingdoms from previous weeks.

Remember Daniel had worked out that it was time to go home! How do you think they felt? Excited? This was it! All their problems would be solved; or would they?

So God tells them what would happen in the future. We've seen this already with strange dreams of many headed beasts and rams and goats. But God tells it again, for a different reason this time. Lets see:

First, God says there will be 4 kings - and the fourth will be Alexander the Great. Read v2-4. [put a crown on one with 'Alexander']

Then there will be two Kings, one from the North and one from the South [put crowns on two more]. That's Syria and Egypt. They will be friends for a while and then fall out and have a big fight.

Then there will be a King called Antiochus the Great (Read v10-11). [put a crown on another]

Then, and we're about 200 years before the first Christmas now, there will be another King called Antiochus. This time he's Antiochus Epiphanes. Listen to what he's like, read v21-24. [put a crown on a child and get them to act out]

Let's listen to how he treats God's people: read v31-33. Do you think that would have been nice for God's people? How do you think they would have felt, given that they thought that returning to the land would be perfect?

It must have been a real disappointment to them.

I bet you're hoping for lots of lovely things for Christmas - but if you think they're going to make your life brilliant, then you'll be disappointed. [Give examples - eg XBox, breaks or bored of it]

God tells Daniel that there is something so much better that is coming, something which will never disappoint: Read v1b-3. What will happen? New life forever with God, how amazing!

Table time [while decorating crowns for younger ones]
What does God tell Daniel?
Why does God tell Daniel this?
What were the people thinking would happen when they returned to the land?
How does God know?
When have you been disappointed?
What is much better about God's promise?
Why won't it disappoint?

Give reward

Pray for persecuted countries

Memory verse

Thursday, 5 November 2015

Teaching Daniel 9


Theme: Daniel says sorry to God and God hears him
Aim: That they say sorry to God, knowing that God hears and forgives

Big picture of Daniel praying - paint, colour, stick

Recap - Can you remember which Bible person we've been hearing about? [remind of fiery furnace, lion's den, etc].
Daniel and his friends were living in strange place because God's people hadn't loved God. God's people had forgotten all about God and so they were taken away from their homes and had to live under a strange king. It was horrible and it may Daniel really sad.

But Daniel realised that they had been in that strange place for a long time and that maybe it was time to go home soon. So he changed his clothes. He put on a sack [put a sack on a puppet] and covered himself in ashes. He did this as a way of showing he was sorry for all the things God's people had done wrong. Can you say with me, Lord God, we are so sorry.

He began to pray: [have the puppet bow his head and mouth along]
'Lord, you are a great God. You cause fear and wonder. You keep your agreement of love with all who love you and obey your commands.'
Say with me, 'Lord God, we are so sorry'
'We have sinned and done wrong. We have been wicked and turned against you. We did not listen when you spoke to us.
Lord God, we are so sorry.
Daniel said sorry for all the things God's people had done wrong. He remembered that God was very good and God's people had been very bad. They hadn't listened and loved God with all their hearts. And so he said,
Lord God, we are so sorry
Daniel carried on, 'Lord God, you said you would do this if we didn't listen to you, and you've done as you said you would. All this has happened because we sinned against you.'
Lord God, we are so sorry.
'Now our God, hear my prayers. I am your servant. Listen to my prayer for help. Do this for your sake. My God, pay attention and hear me. We do not ask these things because we are good. We ask because of your mercy. Lord, listen! Lord, forgive! Lord, hear us and do something! For your sake, don't wait! Your city and your people are called by your name.'
Lord God we are so sorry.

Do you think God heard Daniel's prayer? Of course He did! In fact God sent the angel Gabriel to tell Daniel so. [Bring in another puppet or cut out of an angel]
'When you first started praying an answer was given. And I came to tell you, because God loves you very much.'
Gabriel then goes on to tell Daniel that King Jesus will come and make things right with God.

And sure enough, many years after Daniel, King Jesus came to die on the cross so that we could be forgiven when we come and say sorry to God. Isn't that wonderful? When we say sorry we can know that God will hear us and Jesus will forgive us!


  • Daniel figure - stick on sacking and ash
  • Decorate - Lord God, we are so sorry

  • I can talk to Jesus (from J is for Jesus)
  • We give thanks to you, O God (Psalm 75:1)


Theme: When Daniel said sorry to God, God heard and promised Jesus
Aim: Say sorry to God and look to Jesus

Quick quiz on Daniel 1-8

Recap - pictures of chapters 1-7: we're at some point around chapter 6. Remind why they were in a foreign land.

Daniel had been reading the prophet Jeremiah, who had said that they would be in Babylon for 70 years. Daniel realised that they had been in Babylon for 70 years. Was it nearly time to go home?

This makes Daniel turn and pray to God. But first he does three things: [dress one up as Daniel while doing this]
  • fasts - what is this?
  • wears sackcloth - why?
  • covers himself in ashes - why?

Let's listen to what Daniel prays - Daniel reads v4-6
What is Daniel saying about God? And about God's people? [mark up on a white board]

Daniel reads v9-11.
What is Daniel saying about God? And about God's people?

Daniel reads v17-19
What is Daniel saying about God? And about God's people?

Do you think God heard Daniel? Of course he does! He sends the angel Gabriel to tell Daniel this. [Have an older child read v22-23]

Gabriel also has a strange message for Daniel - Gabriel reads v24-27.
What do you think this is about? We don't understand all the details, but it seems to be promising that Jesus would come and die for the sins of God's people.

So, for Daniel, some day soon, Jesus would come and all those sins that Daniel had confessed would be forgiven.

We too should look to Jesus and His death for us. We should say sorry to God regularly. We should learn to pray like Daniel.

Table time:
  • What did Daniel pray for?
  • Why did Daniel pray?

  • What do you need to say sorry for? [write down sorry prayers]

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Teaching Daniel 8


Theme: God is the boss over everything that will happen
Aim: That they don't stand against Him

Guessing what will happen game - eg where will the spinning top land, flicking a large pictorial coin

Recap - pictures from chapters 2-7. What do they remember?
Do you remember God changed King Neb to realise He was the boss?
Do you remember that God stopped Belshazzar being the boss and put Darius in His place?

God also knows what is going to happen next. God knows what will happen tomorrow and next week. God even knows what will happen next year!

God tells Daniel what is going to happen to God's people all those years ago.

God tells Daniel that a King will come who is really strong. He will be the king of Persia. But strangely God says that this King is a ram, a male sheep [have a toy sheep with a crown on its head]. Only God knows what is going to happen next. Who knows? Only God knows [get them to repeat]

Then God tells Daniel that another King is coming after. God says that this King will be even bigger and stronger and scarier. He was from Greece. But again God says that this King is like an animal - a goat! [have a toy goat with a crown]. Our second king charges at the first king and knocks him out [act out with the animals]. Only God knows what is going to happen next. Who knows? Only God knows [repeat]

But then after that God says would come a King who is even worse. Even bigger and more powerful than these two. And this King will hate God and will pretend God isn't there. And it won't nice to be one of God's people during this time. Only God knows what is going to happen next. Who knows? Only God knows.

This King comes attacks God's people and worships his own gods in God's special places. This was horrible for God's people.

And all this happens. It all comes true just as God had said. Because God is in charge of all of this. He puts the kings in place and takes away their crowns. only God knows what is going to happen next. Who knows? Only God knows.

So there will be times for you and me, where we don't know what's going to happen next. But God knows, only God knows. So we can trust Him always. And He has sent a King far more wonderful than these Kings, King Jesus, who is always good and will be boss forever.

  • Clock with 'Only God knows' written on
  • Crowns
  • Toilet roll ram/goat crafts?

  • My God is so Big
  • Who's the King of the Jungle?
  • Jesus is the Mighty, mighty King



Theme: God is in charge of all history and knows that there will be bad rulers
Aim: Trust their future to God, whatever it might hold

Throwing the dice - they have to guess what number it will land on. If they're wrong they're out. Keep throwing until they're all out.

Intro chat - what do you want to be when you grow up?

Recap - Bible timeline. Perhaps adapt and focus in on the time between Daniel and Jesus coming.

Daniel has another weird dream where God is telling him what is going to happen in the future.

Firstly, Daniel sees a ram. Read v3-4. [Dress one up in a ram mask] What do you think is going on here? Later Daniel is told by an angel. Read v15-20. He's the King of the Medes and Persians. God tells Daniel that this King is going to come because God knows all of the future and has control of it all.

Secondly, Daniel sees another animal. Read v5-8. [dress one in a goat mask and act out]. This is strange isn't. Well we need to listen to our angel again. Read v21-22. The King of Greece, this was a man called Alexander the Great.

But then things get really nasty. Read v9-12. What is this King going to do? The angel explains a bit more to us. Read v23-25.

Do you know, all this happened as God said it would. There was a ruler called Antiochus Epiphanes. He was very angry with the Jewish people and attacked them, killing many men, women and children. He burnt their Bibles (v12 - 'threw the truth to the ground'), took over God's temple and made sacrifices to his god, Zeus, there! This was awful.

But God knew this was going to happen. He is the true God who has control over everything. So when you look at things that happened in the past, the Vikings, the Romans, the Victorians, remember that this is all the story of how God has acted in the past.

But history repeats itself, and there have been other kings have set themselves against God. And there will be one king at the end of time before Jesus returns who will set himself against God. Read 2 Thess 2:1-4.

Table time:
[have a pictures of a ram, a goat, plus some stick on crowns, then label as we go through]
  • What happens in Daniel's vision?
  • Read v27 - How does Daniel feel about this?
  • Why does God give Daniel this vision?
  • What does this vision tell us about God?
  • What do we expect will happen in the future?
  • What should we remember about the past and the future?
  • What does knowing that God is in charge drive us to do?

Pray for countries with anti-Christian dictators

Memory verse