Aim: That they would love talking to God always,
about everything
Have some emoticons – hold
up should you pray when you feel…?
[Can then stick on a sheet
with ‘Pray always’ in the centre]
Today we’re thinking about
prayer. What is prayer? [take answers]
Prayer is talking to God.
It doesn’t have to have
fancy words. You don’t need to be in a special building. You could be feeling
happy or sad. But God loves it when you talk to Him.
We’re going to look at a
song in the Bible written by King David as a prayer to God.
Read Psalm 61:1-4.
David is in trouble. He’s
feeling really sad so he prays to God. Even though he’s a long way away he
knows that God still hears him. You could be a long way away and God will still
hear you.
What can you say to God?
David is saying ‘Help’. He’s crying to out to God asking for help. You can do
that too. When you need God’s help He loves to hear you asking Him. When might
you need God’s help? Shall we ask Him together?
You can also say ‘Thank
you’. Can you think of something to say ‘Thank you for’? Let’s say ‘Thank you
God’ together.
[Sing – We give thanks to
you, O God. Psalm 75:1]
You can also say sorry. Can
you think of something to say sorry for? Let’s say sorry to God together.
And we can say ‘Please’. We
can pray for other people. Let’s listen to David saying ‘Please’ to God. [Read
Psalm 61:5-8]. He’s praying for the King, that God would look after Him. So we
can pray that God would look after the important people in our lives.
[Could do sticking activity
here about the important people they want to pray for.]
Finally David praises God.
That means he tells God how brilliant he thinks he is. Shall we praise God?
What’s brilliant about God? [write down and place in balloons. Then blow up and
let go as praise balloons.]
Its an amazing thing that we
get to talk to the God who made us, and made all the universe. He has so much
power to help and loves to listen. We really want you to love talking to God,
to tell Him everything, always, wherever you are.
- I can pray for…[stick various people on]
- I can pray when…[stick times and meals and events on]
- My God is so Big
- I can talk to Jesus from J is for Jesus
- Read your Bible, Pray every day
Aim: That they love to talk to Jesus every where at
all times
Who would I love to talk to? – series of pictures on screen [Prime Minister, footballer, one direction, queen, Spiderman, Simon Cowell] They have to rank in order of who they’d love to talk to most.
Who would I love to talk to? – series of pictures on screen [Prime Minister, footballer, one direction, queen, Spiderman, Simon Cowell] They have to rank in order of who they’d love to talk to most.
Say: Do you realise that we
have someone far bigger and more important than all these people, the God who
made us and the whole universe. And we can talk to Him, and He always listens!
Remember we’re looking at
Psalms, songs in the Bible. This week we are looking at one that David wrote.
Now David loved talking to God, wherever he is he wants to talk to God.
Read v1-4.
So where is David? Far away.
We can talk to God wherever
we are – in the playground, in bed at night, in our class. We don’t need to be
in church.
And what does he cry to God?
We can cry to God for help,
too. When do you need God’s help? – write up on a big piece of paper using
post-its. Let’s pray for those things now [Get them to pray]
What else can we say to God?
Thank you – let’s say thank
you for lots of things now. [Could do a big collage of things we’re thankful
for or draw it]
Sorry – what do we need to
say sorry for? Why don’t we say sorry now?
Others – we can pray for
other people too. Let’s listen to David: read Psalm 61:5-8. He’s praying for
the King. We should pray for important people in our lives, that they would
trust Jesus and love Him, too.
And did you notice that
David says that God hears him. He really does, God loves to listen to you talk
to Him, wherever you are, however you’re feeling. It can be long, short,
And then David finishes off
by praising God, telling Him how wonderful He is. Let’s do that together. [put
praise prayers in balloons].
Game – Prayer Musical Statues:
when music stops they throw up an arrow-prayer
Table time
Practise prayer – they pray
for each other: school, home, friends who don’t know Jesus, etc.
Print out prayers for the
persecuted church