Thursday, 26 September 2013

Teaching Acts 11

[This is part 3 of our series on Peter therefore we will only teach Acts 11:1-18]


Theme: We should be really happy when anybody becomes Jesus’ friend

Clapometer – make a small clapometer. Have some faces. As you hold up the faces announce that this person has become a friend of Jesus. They need to clap or boo. Move the clap-o-meter accordingly.

Bible story:

  • Some people weren’t happy that Peter was telling everyone about Jesus, it meant he was eating and drinking with people who weren’t Jewish! They were very cross with Peter.

  • So Peter told his story:
  • Have out pictures of the story from last week. They need to get in order to retell it.

  • Sum up for them.
  • Read v17
  • Once Peter had told them what had happened to him, they were amazed and really happy; they praised God saying, ‘Anyone can be Jesus friend! Hooray!’

  • Hooray prayers in balloons
  • Stick small copies of the photos from the opening activity on a sheet around ‘Hooray, anyone can be Jesus’ friend!’

Follow, follow (from A Very, Very Big God)
I’m H-A-P-P-Y


Teaching 5-11s

Theme: We should celebrate when anyone follows Jesus

Put up pictures of various types of people – if they’d be happy with them becoming Christians they cheer, if they don’t they throw scrunched up paper.

Bible teaching:
  • Have some as those opposing Peter sat at the side grumbling ‘He’s become a Christian!’
  • Peter was in trouble for eating with non-Jews who had become followers of Jesus. So he tells everyone what happened to him last week.
  • Have a competition to see who can tell the story from last week the best. Help them with pictures.
  • Peter summed up by saying, (read v17)
  • The people cheered (cheer) and glorified God (read v18)

Table time:
What was Peter doing?
How did these other people feel about it?
What did Peter say?
Why had what Peter done so upset these people?
Why were these people wrong?
Who would upset you if they started coming to church?
Who could you be telling about Jesus?

Pray together

Monday, 9 September 2013

Teaching Acts 10

[This is part 2 of our series on the life of Peter looking at Acts 10]


Aim: Anyone can become a friend of Jesus’

Sit in a circle with some cards turned down in the middle. Explain that when the cards are turned over, if they match the description then they need to turn around and face out of the circle. Cards say things like ‘brown hair’, ‘blue eyes’ etc. Keep going until there is no-one left. Then ask them how it felt to be left out? What if being part of Jesus’ kingdom was just for people with eg blond hair?


Have some photos of people who look nice and some that don’t. Ask them who they think might be part of God’s people.

Bible story:

Use flannelgraph or story pictures. (eg
Or use a roman soldier doll and another doll, with a sheet with animals in

Main points of story –
  • Cornelius – Roman therefore not a Jew, shouldn’t be allowed to worship God
  • Had a vision (like a dream from God) – ‘Send for Peter’
  • Peter praying on his rooftop – has a vision as well: sheet lowered from heaven with ‘dirty’ animals in, animals Jewish people shouldn’t touch and eat.
  • Peter told to ‘kill and eat’ – happens three times. What God is saying is that it isn’t just about being Jewish anymore and following these rules. Anyone can follow Jesus now.
  • Then told to go to Cornelius
  • Peter says ‘God has shown me that the gospel isn’t just for Jewish people, anyone can follow Jesus.’
  • And so Peter told Cornelius and other non-Jews all about Jesus and how He’d died and rose again.
  • And as he was doing this the Holy Spirit came and they all became followers of Jesus.


  • Take smaller copies of the pictures from the first activity. Get them to stick in a circle which says ‘Anyone can be Jesus’ friend’. As they do talk to them about whether they can become Jesus’ friend.
  • Stick red paper on a picture of Cornelius



Aim: Anyone can become Jesus’ friend


Either – Odd one out – have 4 photos with one odd one out
Or – Tig – person who is ‘it’ is dressed up oddly.

Use to explain Jew / Gentile situation.

Also – Have screen in corner of room. Write names of people they don’t like and put them behind the screen.

Bible teaching:
Act out using Roman soldier costume and big sheet with plastic animals

Main points of story –
  • Cornelius – Roman therefore not a Jew, shouldn’t be allowed to worship God
  • Had a vision (like a dream from God) – ‘Send for Peter’
  • Peter praying on his rooftop – has a vision as well: sheet lowered from heaven with ‘dirty’ animals in, animals Jewish people shouldn’t touch and eat.
  • Peter told to ‘kill and eat’ – happens three times. What God is saying is that it isn’t just about being Jewish anymore and following these rules. Anyone can follow Jesus now.
  • Then told to go to Cornelius
  • Peter says ‘God has shown me that the gospel isn’t just for Jewish people, anyone can follow Jesus.’
  • And so Peter told Cornelius and other non-Jews all about Jesus and how He’d died and rose again.
  • And as he was doing this the Holy Spirit came and they all became followers of Jesus.

Sum up and apply – Up until this point you had to be or become Jewish to be Jesus’ friend. Now Peter is saying anyone can become Jesus’ friend. The Holy Spirit (the sign of being Jesus’ friend) has come to non-Jews.
Who do you think could never be Jesus’ friend? Look behind the screen and bring out the names – their names are there too! Pray for their friends.

Table time:
·         What sort of person was Cornelius?
·         What happened to him?
·         What did Peter see in his vision?
·         What was surprising about Cornelius becoming a friend of Jesus?
·         What was surprising about Peter’s dream?
·         What was the sign that Peter had become Jesus’ friend?
·         Why is it amazing that you can be Jesus’ friend?
·         Who do you look at and think, ‘They could never be a Christian?’
·         Who do you look at and think, ‘They should never be a Christian?’

Pray together

Monday, 2 September 2013

Introducing Peter

[This is part one of our series looking at Peter from Acts 10-12 and 1 Peter]


Aim: Peter was Jesus’ good friend

Lie one of them down on a large piece of paper and draw round them. Tell them this is Peter (write ‘Peter’ at the top). Stick on wool for hair and perhaps some clothes.

Bible teaching:
Tell the following stories briefly and after each one stick on the picture –
  • Fisherman, called by Jesus – Mark 1:16-20: stick a fish on his hand
  • Special friend of Jesus, with James and John – attach another hand to Peter’s with Jesus written on
  • Spokesman for the disciples – would often come and ask Jesus questions: add mouth
  • Realised that Jesus was the great king – Mark 8:27-30: add eyes
  • Tried to walk on water – Matt 14: stick blue paper to feet (could also tell the footwashing story, John 13)
  • Denied Jesus 3 times – Mark 14:26-31, 66-72: attach a cockerel next to his feet

  • Became a main leader of the church after Jesus went back to heaven, preached to thousands at Pentecost – Acts 2: stick on megaphone
  • Put in prison twice – Acts 5 and 12: stick on grey lines for prison bars
  • Wrote two letters which are in our bibles – 1 and 2 Peter: stick on a letter next to him

Knowing Jesus changed Peter, and he’s a great example of someone who trusted Jesus
He was also given a special job to speak for Jesus, we should listen to him.


Do a smaller version of the story outline – get them to stick on the bits
Print out a colouring picture of each story covered – staple together into a booklet

Jesus and his friends in a boat
I belong to him
Stick with Jesus
Follow, follow


Aim: to find about Peter, his faith, and why we should listen to what he says

Catch the sardines in the net – a tin of sardines and a fishing net. As you throw a fish shout the name of one of the children, they need to grab the net and catch the fish. The aim is to get to know each others names.

Bible teaching:
Draw round one of the children on backing paper. Write ‘Peter’ at the top. Tell them that you’re getting to know Peter today. What do they know about Peter?

Introduce the items which will be stuck on one-by-one. Ask if they know what each might tell us about Peter. Get the older ones to find the stories and read out part.

  • Fisherman, called by Jesus – Mark 1:16-20: stick a fish on his hand
  • Special friend of Jesus, with James and John – attach another hand to Peter’s with Jesus written on
  • Spokesman for the disciples – would often come and ask Jesus questions: add mouth
  • Realised that Jesus was the great king – Mark 8:27-30: add eyes
  • Tried to walk on water – Matt 14: stick blue paper to feet (could also tell the footwashing story, John 13)
  • Denied Jesus 3 times – Mark 14:26-31, 66-72: attach a cockerel next to his feet

  • Became a main leader of the church after Jesus went back to heaven, preached to thousands at Pentecost – Acts 2: stick on megaphone
  • Put in prison twice – Acts 5 and 12: stick on grey lines for prison bars
  • Wrote two letters which are in our bibles – 1 and 2 Peter: stick on a letter next to him

Knowing Jesus changed Peter, and he’s a great example of someone who trusted Jesus
He was also given a special job to speak for Jesus, we should listen to him.


Do a smaller version of the story outline – get them to stick on the bits
Funsheet for older ones