[This is part 3 of our series on Peter therefore we will only teach Acts
Theme: We should be really happy when anybody
becomes Jesus’ friend
Clapometer – make a small
clapometer. Have some faces. As you hold up the faces announce that this person
has become a friend of Jesus. They need to clap or boo. Move the clap-o-meter
Bible story:
- Some people weren’t happy that Peter was telling everyone about Jesus, it meant he was eating and drinking with people who weren’t Jewish! They were very cross with Peter.
- So Peter told his story:
- Have out pictures of the story from last week. They need to get in order to retell it.
- Sum up for them.
- Read v17
- Once Peter had told them what had happened to him, they were amazed and really happy; they praised God saying, ‘Anyone can be Jesus friend! Hooray!’
- Hooray prayers in balloons
- Stick small copies of the photos from the opening activity on a sheet around ‘Hooray, anyone can be Jesus’ friend!’
Follow, follow (from A Very,
Very Big God)
I’m H-A-P-P-Y
Teaching 5-11s
Theme: We should celebrate when anyone follows
Put up pictures of various
types of people – if they’d be happy with them becoming Christians they cheer,
if they don’t they throw scrunched up paper.
Bible teaching:
- Have some as those opposing Peter sat at the side grumbling ‘He’s become a Christian!’
- Peter was in trouble for eating with non-Jews who had become followers of Jesus. So he tells everyone what happened to him last week.
- Have a competition to see who can tell the story from last week the best. Help them with pictures.
- Peter summed up by saying, (read v17)
- The people cheered (cheer) and glorified God (read v18)
Table time:
What was Peter doing?
How did these other people
feel about it?
What did Peter say?
Why had what Peter done so
upset these people?
Why were these people
Who would upset you if
they started coming to church?
Who could you be telling
about Jesus?
Pray together