Thursday, 5 December 2013

Teaching 1 Peter 4:12-5:14

[This is our final session on 1 Peter]


Theme: Its great when people laugh at you for following Jesus, because it means we belong to Him!

Things that belong to me: Show clip from Toy Story 1 where Woody shows he belongs to Andy because he has his name written on his foot.
What things belong to you? How do I know they belong to you? Eg Xs glasses fit them, Ys jumper has his name in it.
How do we know that we belong to Jesus? We don’t have a label on us saying we belong to Him!

Bible Teaching:
What book of the Bible are we looking at?
Well this week we are going to finish it!
Remember the people Peter was writing to, they were being laughed at for following Jesus [Bring out Kevin and Norman from last week]. Here is what Peter writes to Kevin and people like him:
Read 1 Peter 4:12-13, 16 and 19.
You see when Kevin suffers and has tough times because he loves Jesus, then it tells Kevin that he definitely belongs to Jesus. [Show label on Kevin where its written ‘Jesus’] He is suffering just as Jesus did.
And one day Kevin will go and be with Jesus forever where it is wonderful and glorious!

Let’s look at us. It may be that our friends aren’t laughing at us for following Jesus but as we get older there will be people who will. And when that time comes remember that it shows us that we belong to Jesus and so we will be with Him forever.

[Make labels for each child with ‘_____ belongs to Jesus’ on]

You see when people laugh at us for following Jesus we can know we are His. Its His way of showing that He’s beginning to sort out those who belong to him from those who don’t.

[Have a tray of Coco Pops and Rice Crispies] Who likes Coco Pops and who likes Rice Crispies? Me, too. But I don’t like them together. Can you sort them out?

That’s a little bit like what God is doing when people laugh at us for following Jesus. It shows everyone that they don’t belong to Jesus [start removing Rice Crispies to one side] and it shows everyone that we do belong to Jesus [remove the Coco Pops to the other side].

When people laugh at us for following Jesus we can be sure that we belong to Jesus and that one day we will be with Him forever in glory!

·        Make their own label, all glittery etc
·        Rice Crispies and Coco Pops picture

I belong to Him, Follow, follow, No more tears (all from A Very, Very Big God)



Theme: Its great when people laugh at you for following Jesus, because it means we belong to Him!

Things that belong to me: Show clip from Toy Story 1 where Woody shows he belongs to Andy because he has his name written on his foot.
What things belong to you? How do I know they belong to you? Eg Xs glasses fit them, Ys jumper has his name in it.
How do we know that we belong to Jesus? We don’t have a label on us saying we belong to Him!

Bible Teaching
Recap last weeks with big themes of 1 Peter, particularly suffering. Remind of Kevin and Norman.
How do we know Kevin belongs to Jesus and Norman doesn’t? [take answers]
That’s exactly what Peter is telling these Christians.
Read 1 Peter 4:12-16.
When we suffer because of Jesus, it’s like we’re wearing a little badge that shows we belong to Jesus and the people who are laughing at us don’t. We are suffering then, in the way Jesus did and one day we will be with Jesus in glory. That’s something to look forward to!

[Have a tray of Coco Pops and Rice Crispies] Who likes Rice Crispies and who likes Coco Pops? But not together! We need to separate them out.

When we suffer for following Jesus, its like what we’re doing here. God is sorting out, judging, those who are His from those who are not. Read v17-20.

Now, it may be that you’re not being laughed at for following Jesus, yet, although I know some of you are, but as you get older all of you will and it will be tough. So remember this:

So when we suffer for following Jesus, it’s a great sign that we belong to Him and that we will be with Him in glory forever.

Peter gives us a couple of tips on what to do when we’re being laughed at for following Jesus:
1)    Pray! Read 1 Peter 5:7. If this worries us, then we cast our cares on to Him, because He cares for us.
2)    Watch out! Read 1 Peter 5:8-9. The devil is like a lion, trying to attack us, trying to get us to stop trusting in Jesus. Don’t let him. Watch out!

Read 1 Peter 5:10-11

Boys and girls, Keep trusting Jesus, keep following Jesus, keep loving Him!

Pray for suffering church

Sum up all we’ve learnt this term from 1 Peter:
Eg quiz, big sheet with pictures to stick on.

Thursday, 28 November 2013

Teaching 1 Peter 4:1-11

[This is our second last session on 1 Peter]


Theme: Copy Jesus by loving one another as we wait for Him to come back

Copy me – tell the children that one leader is a follower of Jesus and one isn’t. They are to copy the follower and ignore the other leader. Do some basic repetitive actions such as patting your head, jumping up and down, etc. The other leader tries to put them off.

Bible story:
[There are no obvious story elements in the passage this week, so we will base it around application]
Who can remember who wrote the letter we’re looking at this term? Peter

This is Kevin the Christian [bring out figure/picture or puppet] and he is in the same class at school as Norman the Non-Christian [bring out another figure/picture or puppet]. Now Norman has been laughing at Kevin because he’s a follower of Jesus.

There are all sorts of things that Norman does because doesn’t know Jesus and the forgiveness Jesus brings. So Norman doesn’t do what the teacher asks him to do, he shouts back at his mum, he makes lots of other things more important than God like football and watching TV.

This was just like the people in Peter’s day who didn’t follow Jesus. But Peter says to the Christians, ‘Don’t worry, one day people like Norman will have to stand before God. And God will say to them, “Why have you lived like this?” And it will be horrible on that day for them!’ Read v4-5 (NCV)

Now Norman keeps trying to get Kevin to do what he’s doing. But Peter says, ‘No, don’t be like that. Instead copy Jesus!’

Jesus is the person we’re to copy. Read 4v1 (NCV). Peter says that because you’re suffering, because you’re being laughed at for following Jesus, that shows you that you’re a Christian, you’ve been forgiven, and so sin isn’t your boss anymore. Jesus is. So live like Him.

So how should Kevin copy Jesus. [Have an outline of a body] Well, Peter tells us how. Let’s listen:
Read v7 – How should we copy Jesus?  We should be in control of what we do and pray [Stick on a picture of hands praying] Does this describe you?
Read v8 – How should we copy Jesus? Love. [Stick on a heart]. That’s a sort of love that doesn’t blame other people when they’ve done something wrong against you and so make the situation worse.
Read v9 – How should we copy Jesus? Open your homes [Stick on a picture of a house]. So we should look after people by having them round for meals and to play.
Read v10 – How should we copy Jesus? Serving [Stick a picture of a waiter on the outline] That means we make what other people need more important than what we need. [Give some good examples] How good are you at that?
Read v11 – How should we copy Jesus? Speaking about Jesus and using your abilities for others. [Stick on a picture of a tongue] So we are to encourage each other by reminding them of Jesus, talking about Jesus. And if we have a special ability, we’re to use that to help other people. [Give examples from your own life].

If we do this then people will see how brilliant Jesus is!


·        Stick on the pictures from the story onto a smaller outline

Follow follow, Stick with Jesus, No more tears (All from A Very, very Big God)



Theme: Copy Jesus by loving one another as we wait for Him to come back

Follow on – have them in a line. The person at the front starts doing an action, the others need to copy. If they don’t, they’re out.

Mirror – Put them in pairs facing each other. One is the mirror and needs to copy what the other is doing.

Bible Teaching:
Recap – what have we been looking at? What can you tell me about the letter?
Remember, we’re aliens and strangers. We don’t belong here, we belong to Jesus.

Introduce Kevin the Christian and Norman the Non-Christian (Hang labels around their necks). They are in the same class at school, but Norman has been laughing at Kevin for being a Christian. Have any of you had that?

Norman lives differently because he doesn’t know Jesus and the forgiveness Jesus brings. What sort of things might Norman do? What sorts of things have you seen you’re non-Christian friends doing? [Take sensible suggestions and add a few]

Norman laughs at Kevin for not doing these things too. But here’s what Peter has to say to Kevin to encourage him:
Read v4-5. Norman is going to meet God one day and God will ask Norman why he’s lived the way he has.
And do you know what, because everyone will have to do that, we tell them about Jesus in the hope that they might know Jesus’ forgiveness too, because it’s not going to be very nice for Norman on that day, if he carries on as he is!

So what should Kevin do?
Read v1-2. He should copy Jesus. He’s part of Jesus’ kingdom, the fact that he’s being laughed at for being a Christian shows him that. This means that sin isn’t his boss anymore, but Jesus is. So give up the old sinful ways.

How do we copy Jesus? [At this point Norman can sit down]
Read v7. How do we copy Jesus? Control yourselves and pray. Attach picture of hands praying to Kevin. How good are you at doing this?
Read v8. How should we copy Jesus? Love. Stick a heart on Kevin. It’s a love that doesn’t make things worse if someone has sinned against us, it’s a love that forgives. How good are you at doing this?
Read v9. How are we to copy Jesus? Hospitality. Stick on a picture of a house. How good are you at doing this?
Read v10. How are we to copy Jesus? Serving. Stick on a picture of a waiter. How good are you at doing this?
Read v11. How are we to copy Jesus? Speaking. Stick on a picture of a tongue. How good are you at encouraging each other to follow Jesus?

Pray for specific things from above.

Sticking pictures from above on a body or funsheet

Pray for the suffering church (use Release Advent Calendar)

Spares – shadows: have a torch and shine at one child. All the other children need to stay in the shadow as it moves. Purpose – copying Jesus.

Thursday, 21 November 2013

Teaching 1 Peter 3v8 to 22


Theme: Like Noah we should do good things for those who don’t like us for following Jesus
Aim: That they learn to act kindly when people treat them badly for following Jesus

You will need an Ark and assorted people and animals

What would you do if…someone takes your toy? Someone calls you a horrible name? Another child hits you?

Remember, Peter is writing this letter to followers of Jesus. This week, he tells them a very old story about a man named Noah.

[main point: God is patiently waiting for those who say no to Him]
This is Noah [show the person]. Have any of you heard of Noah? [take answers]
All the people around Noah were being really bad, not trusting God and saying horrible things about God. But God didn’t send a big flood for a long time because He was waiting, He was patient, wanting those people to turn back to Him.
God is the same today. There are lots of people who don’t love and trust God, but He’s patiently waiting for them to turn back to Him.

[main point: God’s people will be treated badly like Noah]
So God told Noah to build a big boat. Noah was in the middle of the desert, there hadn’t been rain in ages and he was nowhere near a sea or river. The people laughed at Noah, ‘You and your stupid god! What are you doing?’ And they made faces and were really horrible to him. And when Noah started putting animals on board, well…[put on animals]
And, do you know, people will laugh at us for trusting God and believing in Jesus. They may say horrible things to us. They may do horrible things to us. They may call us names and laugh at Jesus.

[main point: We should treat people well even when they do this]
What do we do when people laugh at us for following Jesus or do horrible things? It’s right to tell a teacher or mum or dad. But should we call them names back when they call us names? No, Peter says we should say something loving to them. Should we hit them back when they hit us? No, Peter says we should do something lovely for them.
Listen to Peter – read v8-9, 15-17.
This is exactly what Jesus did, we should copy Him – read v18

[main point: one day everyone will see how great Jesus is]
Back to Noah. He’s built his boat and all the animals are in, but people are still laughing at him. What happened next?
The rains came and the floods rose – and people realised too late that Noah was right. And that Noah’s God really is God.
There will be a day when everyone sees that Jesus is the King – read v22

[conclusion – even when people treat us badly we should treat them well]
So when someone in your class says something horrible to you about following Jesus, what should you do?
When someone does something horrible to you because you’re a Christian, what should you do?


  • Gospel bracelets – Green (God made the world), Black (Sin came into the world), Red (Blood of Jesus), White (makes us clean again), Yellow (we will be in heaven forever) – learning to give an answer
  • Noah picture – stick on people laughing at him

  • Stick with Jesus, Follow, Follow and No More Tears (from A Very, Very Big God)


Theme: Like Noah we should do good things for those who don’t like us for following Jesus
Aim: That they learn to act kindly when people treat them badly for following Jesus

Talk about Jesus – some of the braver members stand up front and tell everyone what they know about Jesus. While they are doing this everyone else throws scrunched up paper at them.

Bible Teaching:
What do you do if: [Give a variety of not very nice things people sometimes do]?
Today, Peter is going to tell us that we should respond by blessing them, by doing something nice for them. The kindest thing we can do is to tell them about Jesus, but sometimes we don’t get that opportunity, so we do what we can to do them good.

Peter uses a very familiar story to teach them: the story of Noah
Just like in Noah’s day there were lots of people who didn’t love and trust God
[Have a Noah, and some other characters]
God told Noah that he was to build a big boat called an Ark [give Noah a hard hat and a hammer]
Noah was miles from the sea and living in a place with very little rain. The people around Noah thought he was really silly and laughed at him. [the Bible doesn’t say this, but this seems to be Peter’s point] This was just how Christians were being treated in Peter’s day.
Now Noah could have turned round and smacked them all with his hammer. But he didn’t. He carried on building. The Christians in Peter’s day could have fought back. But Peter said not to. Instead he said this:
[Have Peter read v8-14]
And the best way that the Christians could bless those who were horrible to them was to talk about Jesus [read v15-16]

Why? Well because one day God will send judgement and that will be horrible for those who say ‘No’ to Jesus. So for Noah, eventually the rains came and everyone saw too late that Noah was right and it was horrible for them. So too for people in Peter’s day and ours.

But for Noah, well he was rescued. And so too for us. We will go and be with Jesus forever. [Peter reads v21b and 22]

So while we wait for that day we are to do good even to those who treat us really badly for following Jesus. And the best way we can do good is by telling them about Jesus.

Apply – go back to example given at the beginning. How should they respond from what Peter says?

Table time
Make Gospel bracelets – Green (God made the world), Black (Sin came into the world), Red (Blood of Jesus), White (makes us clean again), Yellow (we will be in heaven forever) – learning to give an answer

Pray for countries where Christians are suffering

Thursday, 31 October 2013

Teaching 1 Peter 2v11 to 3v7


Theme: We want people to see how great Jesus is by how we live

Spot the difference pictures – people should see that we are different because we follow Jesus

Bible Story:
Bring out scroll from week 1 – remember we are away from home, we don’t belong here. But, Peter says, we want people to see how brilliant it is to belong to Jesus
That means we say ‘no’ to things that we know are wrong. Because we’ve been forgiven by Jesus this is what we are to do: read 2v11
We’re to do as Jesus tells us. If we do then people will see that we are different, they will see that we are away from our home in heaven and how brilliant it is to belong there. Read 2v12.
We don’t want people to look at us and say, ‘These people who follow Jesus are really horrible, I don’t want to follow Jesus!’

[Have an outline of a body or adapt with a small puppet] This is you! [put on a smiley face] Remember you are away from home in heaven where you belong.
Jesus is your King [put a crown at the top].
But Jesus has put other people in charge of you. Who has Jesus given you that tells you what to do? [mum, dad, teacher – put a crown with their name underneath Jesus’]
Peter tells us that following Jesus means doing what they say. Sometimes we won’t want to, but we have to anyway. Otherwise people who don’t follow Jesus will look at us and say, ‘Look how bad these followers of Jesus are? I don’t want to follow Jesus!’
            [Add arrows pointing out with ‘Jesus’ on them]
School – [have a picture of school or enable role play with small puppet]
When your teacher says, ‘Its time to come in now.’ We do what she says because we want her and the rest of the class to see how brilliant Jesus has been to us in forgiving us!
            When the teacher tells us off for something we’ve not done – we’re not to be rude and shout, because we want her and the class to see how brilliant Jesus has been to us in forgiving us!
            Remember Jesus was treated badly and he had done nothing wrong!
            [take other examples from them and repeat]
Home – [have a picture of home]
            When our mums and dads tell us to tidy our rooms – we go and do it. Because we want everyone to see how brilliant it is that Jesus has forgiven us.
            [take other examples from them and repeat]

  • Banner with 1 Peter 2v12b on – lifting high Jesus’ name
  • Repeat the person outline picture from the talk in small and get them to stick on crowns and arrows


  • Follow, follow; I belong to him (Very, very Big God)



Theme: We want people to see how great Jesus is by how we live

Spot the difference pictures

Bible teaching:
[Have one up front as a ‘model’ Christian]
Can we remember how Peter describes us as Christians? Aliens, children of God, etc
As aliens we don’t belong here, we belong to Jesus in heaven and that’s where we’ll be forever.

So while we’re here, away from home, we need to live in a way that shows people how great Jesus is.
Read 2v11-12 (or get ‘Peter’ to from the scroll)
So, if x here was a liar, [hang a sign round neck], then people would look at him and go, ‘Oh, people who follow Jesus are liars, I don’t want to follow Jesus.’

Jesus is our King, but Jesus has put in place people who are in charge of us. Who are they? [take answers]
Read 2v13-17 – so it will stop people saying silly things about Jesus when we do what is right.
Sometimes though people will accuse us of doing things wrong even when we haven’t. We’re not to be rude back to them and get cross with them. Instead, we’re to remember that Jesus went through the same thing. Read 2v21-25.

So let’s act out some examples:
School – teacher tells you to do something, how do you respond? What might the watching non-Christians think?
            Teacher accuses you of doing something wrong. How should you respond in a way that makes Jesus look great?
Home – parents tell you to do something, how do you respond? What might watching non-Christians think?

There’s one more area that Peter talks about which doesn’t affect you now, but will do someday. Read 3v1-5.
Most things don’t last forever – how you look is one of them. One day you’ll be like me, old and wrinkly! [Could use Photobooth to take some ageing photos] But who you are, you’re character will last forever. So Peter says, particularly to girls, ‘Don’t worry too much about looking pretty on the outside. Worry more about being beautiful on the inside, having a beautiful character. Then people will know you and see how great Jesus is!’

Table time:
Who does Peter say we are?
What does Peter want people to say about us?
Who is in charge of us?
How should we treat them?
What do we want them to say about us?
Role play [with small dolls] some other situations from the talk and talk through how they might react and feel


Pray for a persecuted country, particularly a Christian who has been unfairly accused of doing something wrong

Thursday, 17 October 2013

Teaching 1 Peter 1:22-2:10

[This is part 2 of our series on 1 Peter - its a little easier this week]


Theme: Children of God learn to love each other as God’s Word teaches them
Intro activities:
  • Who’s in my family? – stick on parents, brothers and sisters around a picture of them

Bible Teaching:
[Main point – we are all now brothers and sisters]
Do you remember what we looked at last week? Bring out scroll with pictures on from last week
Do you remember what this picture was? Point at baby/child
When we trust in Jesus we are made God’s children!
Now that means x is ys brother/sister! Can you turn to the person next to you and call them your brother/sister?
Link arms and say together: brothers and sisters love each other!

[Main point – brothers and sisters love each other (1v22, 2v1-3)]
Read v22. Peter writes to these Christians to say that they have to love each other. That means that as brothers and sisters we look out for and care for each other. So when x is poorly, y could look after them. And we try not fall out and squabble.
Read 2v1 – what are the sort of things we should stop doing? When do you do that?
Read 2v2-3 – How do we do that? God helps us in His Word, the Bible. We need to grow up as children of God, and His Word feeds us to grow up.
Link arms and say together: brothers and sisters love each other!

[Main point – brothers and sisters must love each other because they will be together forever! (1v23-25)]
Have some grass and flowers. How long do these last? Not very long!
Read 1v23-25. As God’s children, do you know that you will live with Him forever. Even though we will all die one day, everyone who trusts Jesus will live forever. That means that you are going to be brothers and sisters forever!
So we need to learn to love each other now.
Link arms and say together: brothers and sisters love each other!

[Main point – loving each other helps when life is sad (2v4-10)]
Imagine there was a really strong wind right now. It was so strong that it blew x over. It would make her very sad.
Now all link arms – would the wind be able to push x over now? No
When we love and care for each other, its like linking arms. It helps us to keep going when life is sad and hard.
Link arms and say together: brothers and sisters love each other!

  • My new family – cut out people in a row and put a name of a child on each one
  • Jigsaw of a picture of the church family

  • Jesus loves me, I belong to Him, Stick with Jesus, Follow, Follow (from a Very, Very Big God)
  • God made me Special (from J is for Jesus)



Theme: God’s Word grows us as His children to love each other, and as His building to keep trusting Him together

Jigsaw of a picture of the church family – hide the pieces around the room

Bible Teaching:
Remember last week – children of God
If anyone who trusts Jesus is a child of God – that makes us brothers and sisters, turn to person next to you and call them ‘brother’ or ‘sister’
How should we treat them? Read 1v22. What does that look like?
Read 1v23-25. [Have some short lived things, eg grass and flowers] How long do these last for?
But you how long will you live for if you trust Jesus? Forever!
That means that these people are going to be your brothers and sisters forever! We’d better learn to love each other now.

So, how are we going to do that? How did you grow as a baby? Milk
[Could play ‘Milk the Cow’ – rubber gloves with a tiny hole in the end filled with milk]
Read 2v1-3. We grow as God’s children by feeding on His Word, that helps us to learn to love each other.

[Have some boxes/Jenga blocks]
Put your name on a box/block.
Listen as I read – who is the cornerstone and what happened to Him?
Read 2v4-10.
[Mark the largest box/block with Jesus, then begin to build into a house]
We’re all part of this great building, but just as Jesus was rejected so will you be. That makes it even more crucial that we stick together and love each other.
Imagine there was a really strong wind blowing and it blew over x. How would they feel? Sad, upset
Now link arms together in a circle – can the wind blow him/her over now? No
When we love each other as God’s children, it helps us when people laugh at us for following Jesus.

So let’s feed on God’s Word and grow up together, and let’s learn to love each other!


Table Time
  • Peter uses two pictures to tell us who we are. What are they? Children, building
  • What does Peter tell us we should do? Love each other, listen to God’s Word
  • What happened to Jesus? He was rejected
  • Why should we love each other? We’re going to be together forever! It helps when life is sad
  • How are we like a building? Each bricks, Jesus is the cornerstone
  • How does the Bible grow us? We get to know Jesus more
  • When is it hardest to love our brothers and sisters?
  • How can we help each other to love our brothers and sisters in church?
  • How much do you love to read the Bible/have the Bible read to you?
  • What can we do when people laugh at us for following Jesus?

Pray for suffering Christians

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Teaching 1 Peter 1:1-21

[This is our first week teaching 1 Peter. Its hard!]


Theme: God chose Christians to be His and not belong to this world

Who am I? – have lots of stickers. Choose one of them and the others need to tell you about themselves. As they do write on a sticker and stick on. Examples – name, boy/girl, age, where they live, etc.

Is … an alien? What is an alien? [explain concept: someone from another planet, someone who doesn’t belong here on earth, its not their home]

Bible Teaching:

  • Introduce letter written by Peter to Christians, a long time ago – have a scroll made to look old with tea bags and coffee
  • Peter tells these Christians that they have a new ‘identity’, new words saying who they are. They were Christians who were having a tough time because they had stopped doing the bad things their friends were doing. They were thinking, ‘Should I join in with my friends again. But Peter says, ‘No, that’s not who you are anymore’. So who are they now?
  • Chosen – read v1-2 and ask what it means – stick it on ‘Chosen’ with a tick. Before God even made the world He had chosen … to be His. Before you were even born God had chosen you.
  • ‘Away from home’ – explain what this means. They belong in heaven not this world – stick it on word with a picture of a house. Also see v4-5: being kept safe
  • New life – v3 – stick it on with a picture of a seedling. The old life of living the way their friends did has gone. Jesus has given them a new life inside them, now they are to live for Him.
  • Children of God – read v 14 and 17 and stick it on with a picture of a child/baby. We can be that because he has ‘bought us’ – read v18-19. God has chosen us to be His children.

Peter says that Christians are like aliens, not because we come from another planet, but because we don’t belong here on earth, its not our home. We belong to God, He’s bought us with Jesus, chosen us. So we should live for Him and not be like people around us who do lots of wrong things.

Give them an alien egg with their name on it – but keep in class to bring out each week.


  • Have an outline of a body shape – they (or you) write their name at the top – then stick on the pictures used during the talk
  • Make an old scroll of Peter’s letter using tea bags and coffee (careful!). They stick on ‘From Peter’, ‘To Christians’

Our God is a great Big God
No more tears and Follow, Follow (from a Very, Very Big God)


Theme: God chose Christians to be His and not belong to this world

Aliens! – essentially stuck in the mud: the aliens need to run away because they are different

Bible Story:
  • Introduce letter written by Peter to Christians, a long time ago – have a scroll made to look old with tea bags and coffee. Have a Peter ‘writing’ the letter. He’ll be the one that sticks on the labels
  • These Christians are suffering because they are not doing the things that they used to do as non-Christians. What would you say to them?
  • Have a Christian who Peter is writing to. They will have these words stuck on them.
  • Peter tells these Christians that they have a new ‘identity’, new words saying who they are. They were Christians who were having a tough time because they had stopped doing the bad things their friends were doing. They were thinking, ‘Should I join in with my friends again. But Peter says, ‘No, that’s not who you are anymore’. So who are they now?
  • Chosen – read v1-2 and ask what it means – stick it on. Before God even made the world He had chosen … to be His. Before you were even born God had chosen you.
  • ‘Away from home’ – explain what this means. They belong in heaven not this world – stick it on. Also see v4-5: being kept safe
  • New life – v3 – stick it on. The old life of living the way their friends did has gone. Jesus has given them a new life inside them, now they are to live for Him.
  • V10-12 – This is amazing! The prophets of the OT and the angels would love to be like you! You get to follow Jesus and know who He is, they just looked forward to Him coming.
  • Children of God – read v 14 and 17 and stick on. We can be that because he has ‘bought us’ – read v18-19. God has chosen us to be His children. That means we should live as God’s children (read v15-16)

Summary: We don’t belong in this world – we are aliens here! We belong to Jesus because He has bought us, that means we should live differently, but it may mean we get a hard time from our friends because of it.


Table time:
Who wrote this letter?
Who was he writing to?
What was happening to these people?
What did Peter want them to know?
How would this help them?
Have you realised that you’re an ‘alien’, you belong to God?
Can other people see that you’re different because you belong to God?

Pray for suffering Christians

Friday, 4 October 2013

Teaching Acts 12

[This is our final week on Peter in Acts before we move on to 1 Peter]


Theme: Jesus will protect and grow His people

Put some plastic people in the middle of the table. Get them to build walls around them to protect them with Jenga blocks. ‘ What might Jesus’ friends need protection from?’

Bible story:
  • Afraid – Herod killing and attacking
  • Peter in prison – church praying
  • What is Jesus going to do? Is Herod going to destroy ALL the followers of Jesus?
  • Angel rescues Peter – Peter does as he’s told.
  • Knocks on the door of the house where Jesus’ followers are praying
  • Rhoda answers, doesn’t believe its him and nor do the others she tells
  • Herod furious and kills the guards – Who’s going to win: Herod or Jesus?
  • At a feast day the people call Herod a god. He doesn’t say he’s not and drops down dead
  • And more and more become Jesus’ people. No one can stop Jesus!

  • Picture of Peter in prison. Stick on some prison bars which can be lifted up to allow him to escape. Stick on an angel. At the top stick ‘Jesus will protect and grow His people’
  • Have a piece of paper with ‘Jesus will protect and grow His people’. Stick on various people. Then stick on coloured paper around ‘protecting’ them.

I belong to Him and Stick with Jesus (from Very, very Big God)
Jesus is the Boss and God knows (from J is for Jesus)


Theme: Jesus will protect and grow His people

Split into 2 teams. One team has cardboard and sellotape – they have to protect one member holding a sign saying ‘the gospel’.

Bible Story:
Re-enact using following drama stopping regularly
Have call-outs of key phrases each character says (can be reused in table time)
  • Afraid – Herod killing and attacking
  • Peter in prison – church praying
  • What is Jesus going to do? Is Herod going to destroy ALL the followers of Jesus?
  • Angel rescues Peter – Peter does as he’s told.
  • Knocks on the door of the house where Jesus’ followers are praying
  • Rhoda answers, doesn’t believe its him and nor do the others she tells
  • Herod furious and kills the guards – Who’s going to win: Herod or Jesus?
  • At a feast day the people call Herod a god. He doesn’t say he’s not and drops down dead
  • And more and more become Jesus’ people. No one can stop Jesus!

Table time:
Have pictures from to re-arrange into right order

  • What was going wrong for God’s people?
  • What did God do about it?
  • Why were the Christians surprised when Peter knocked on their door?
  • Could Herod stop the spread of the good news about Jesus?
  • Why not?
  • How is God going to keep His church going?
  • Even if Christians are thrown in prison will God look after His people?
Make a prison for Peter out of straws - then destroy it
Pray together

Thursday, 26 September 2013

Teaching Acts 11

[This is part 3 of our series on Peter therefore we will only teach Acts 11:1-18]


Theme: We should be really happy when anybody becomes Jesus’ friend

Clapometer – make a small clapometer. Have some faces. As you hold up the faces announce that this person has become a friend of Jesus. They need to clap or boo. Move the clap-o-meter accordingly.

Bible story:

  • Some people weren’t happy that Peter was telling everyone about Jesus, it meant he was eating and drinking with people who weren’t Jewish! They were very cross with Peter.

  • So Peter told his story:
  • Have out pictures of the story from last week. They need to get in order to retell it.

  • Sum up for them.
  • Read v17
  • Once Peter had told them what had happened to him, they were amazed and really happy; they praised God saying, ‘Anyone can be Jesus friend! Hooray!’

  • Hooray prayers in balloons
  • Stick small copies of the photos from the opening activity on a sheet around ‘Hooray, anyone can be Jesus’ friend!’

Follow, follow (from A Very, Very Big God)
I’m H-A-P-P-Y


Teaching 5-11s

Theme: We should celebrate when anyone follows Jesus

Put up pictures of various types of people – if they’d be happy with them becoming Christians they cheer, if they don’t they throw scrunched up paper.

Bible teaching:
  • Have some as those opposing Peter sat at the side grumbling ‘He’s become a Christian!’
  • Peter was in trouble for eating with non-Jews who had become followers of Jesus. So he tells everyone what happened to him last week.
  • Have a competition to see who can tell the story from last week the best. Help them with pictures.
  • Peter summed up by saying, (read v17)
  • The people cheered (cheer) and glorified God (read v18)

Table time:
What was Peter doing?
How did these other people feel about it?
What did Peter say?
Why had what Peter done so upset these people?
Why were these people wrong?
Who would upset you if they started coming to church?
Who could you be telling about Jesus?

Pray together